How to get more Instagram followers easily by start using all Instagram features such as tagging on Instagram, leverage hashtag tools, Instagram automation tools. I share more detail how you can apply them, step-by-step and easy-to-follow plan that don't get you banned on Instagram and boost your Instagram page engagement for more followers at this #1 how to get more real followers on Instagram cheat complete guide.

I share all these Instagram tips and tricks to also help you can get more real followers on Instagram and earn more followers to your first 1k followers or even 10k followers.

And before diving into the meat?

Keep in mind, all these tips are all about how to boost your Instagram followers, how to increase Instagram followers and I'll even share with you what not to use to avoid getting banned on Instagram and it's hard to even create a new Instagram account these days.

And If you've been wondering how to get 100 followers on Instagram in 1 minute, these Instagram followers hack is included in this blog post.

Note: If you been telling yourself I need more followers, it's important totake actions, not just reading this free content.

Let get more followers! – Checkout my #1 resources.

How to Get Followers on Instagram Fast: #1 Top Cheat I'm Using.

I hit a follower growth blocked at a time, after so many techniques applied to grow my Instagram page @asknugget I got exhausted.

Everyone builds an IG page to make money on Instagram, so do I.

  • I stumbled on a post about getting more followers from other social media platforms, I found them and wrote a blog post on Pinterest traffic and also make money on Pinterest.

So when I first started, I didn't know they need a lot of fresh content, and if keep posting the same content, they'll mark me as a spammer.

The only option I have is to start a blog, after started a blog and written so many articles on helping you grow your IG accounts.


  • It best way for me to get new followers on Instagram from my blog
  • and also more content to Pin on Pinterest.
  • at the same time, double my blog traffic which they checking myself on Instagram @asknugget.

I hope you find these real ways to get more followers on Instagram instantly and definitely take your time and share this, thank you.

This is the #1 cheat on how to get Instagram followers without posting and this ultimate guide is also not about how to get fake followers on Instagram.

17+ Tips on How to Get More Followers on Instagram Fast

Today I'll share the exact Instagram hack to get more followers, and increase Instagram followers methods that I use to manage all my IG followers with you in this blog post, discover the best way to get more Instagram followers that bring you sales.

When I had 100 followers on Instagram, it was easy to manage and I remembered exactly who it is that show the best engaging on my post but right now, it's quite hard.

So let's get right into it.

These are the best Instagram tips to get followers on Instagram and it is the best 10k Instagram followers hack you need.

1. Pick a Niche to Make Money Online with Instagram

The first tip on how to get Instagram followers fast before anything else!

Know your profitable Instagram niche that you need to be in and it is the MOST important tip to hack Instagram followers before you even trying to learn about how to get interactive followers on Instagram.


As Instagram is so popular nowadays, posting anything and everything is far from your goal on how to make money on Instagram.

  • A niche is like a topic, that you'll constantly making Instagram posts about.

When strangers visit your Instagram profile, your IG page will impress them to follow you. This #1 tip on how to hack Instagram followers leads us to the next important Instagram followers hack.

2. Get Real Instagram Followers with Hashtags Finder Tools

Most people manipulate Instagram feature when they're trying to get real followers on Instagram and learning about how to get Instagram followers cheat, but don't really focus on the variety. – (Not the good ways to get followers on Instagram).

  • Instagram hashtags is one of the biggest way that helps my page grow to 70k followers on Instagram.

When coming to Instagram hashtags, keep in mind, competitive is key.

If you have a page with a small number of followers, you shouldn't be using hashtags like I mentioned in this article Instagram Hashtags for Followers and Likes: 100 Followers, 1000 Likes – I share all the tricks about hashtags you can use.

Let get into these Instagram hashtags finders that don't get you banned. This is one of my tricks that I shared in this post free IG scheduler tools that grow 10k IG followers.

With this #1 app to get more real Instagram followers:


  • This hashtags finder has a great feature to schedule your Instagram post ahead for 365 days and unique hashtags generator.
  • It is also an all-in-one tool which also has the hashtags finder, but tailored to only Instagram hashtags, a better tool than other hashtags finders.

In the free Instagram scheduler blog post, I shared a method how you can combine these tools as one of the Instagram hacks to improve your hashtags strategy.

Never underestimate the method as I use it daily, as of now, I'm only using that app for Instagram so I don't have to put too much pressure working on as well.

This tool is also for Pinterest traffic if you want to get more followers on Pinterest, internet marketer called it Pinterest traffic.

Did you know never to underestimate the hashtags growth strategy? Keep in mind, I only share this strategy with my clients.

  • But not this course where I shared everything about Instagram followers cheat app you need on how to hack Instagram followers without following.

3. Hack Instagram Username

Your Instagram username is one of the best Instagram hacks to get more followers, and what help them come back to your account when they didn't follow you for the first time seeing your Instagram page.

When 100 people come to your IG page, not all of them would follow you, even if you are in the #1 niche. That means…

Your Instagram username plays a big roll which help you get more followers later on when they use the hashtags search tool at the explore page to look for your page.

  • No Hyphens and Numbers or dots: If you're in the car niche, your name doesn't have to include the word "car" in there. As long as you make more Instagram posts about car, you're on your way to get more followers. Using hyphens and numbers or dots… ruins your BRAND reputations. If your Instagram username is not available – move on to a new name. Here are a few username ideas…
  • Instagram Username Ideas: Check out these 5 username ideas examples that you can model after: @Instagram, @cristiano, @michaeljackson, @justinbieber, @kimkardashian. Check out this blog post on 89+ Instagram Username Ideas to Get 1000 Likes.

But let's stick to the next important tip on how to hack Instagram followers!

4.  Get More Real Instagram Followers by Tag

Tagging people for Instagram followers boost can be spammy if you're doing it the wrong way. The purpose of on tagging on Instagram is for followers. Right?

So without tagging the correct way there's no way you can get followers on Instagram, even though this is one of the many Instagram tricks to get followers.

Most people do is stacking so many people on top of each other like the image on the right and expect those pages going to like their photos, and this is not one of the best hacks to get likes on Instagram.

In this post how many hashtags does Instagram allow? – I share all about tagging on Instagram,

  • the right way
  • the wrong way

That don't help you to get more IG followers. Lastly, not getting any shadow banned or receive Instagram action blocked for abusing the feature.

So you can tag on Instagram for followers and next Instagram feature that will 10x and boost your Instagram followers, easily.

Next in the how to get more followers on IG cheat complete guide.

5. Use Instagram Hashtags For Followers

Hashtags, hashtags, hashtags!

Yes you need them, it is working and look at how many impressions I receive from using it.


  • Using hashtags to hack Instagram followers, you need to know which types of hashtags you should be using.

Big pages shouldn't be using smaller hashtags so smaller pages could grow, you can find the exact hashtags that works for your account with this app.

If you want to read more about this blog post Instagram Hashtags for Followers.

It's important to use hashtag, then post them, either using an Instagram post scheduler or you can manually post it every 6 hours to avoid action blocked for posting and get real Instagram followers.

  • You don't need to know about how to hide hashtags – just post anywhere you like (This is for new IG page only, if you have 5k followers or more read that blog post).

Now let's talk about the #1 mistake why most people say why Instagram hashtags not working which you can find out more mistakes in that blog post.

6. Top #1 Hashtags Mistake on How to Get More Followers on Instagram Free

Most people use Instagram hashtags for followers by using random hashtags generator or the hashtags search tool at the Instagram explore page without knowing which hashtags are banned and which words are banned.

After they use them, they got confuse with action blocked and shadowban.

  • Bonus: Avoid unrealistic expectation on when you use hashtags you can get 100k followers or hundreds of followers more.

Instead, you should be happy that you see a drastic grow in number of likes or impressions and reach.

7. Instagram Bots are Illegal

Well actually some bots are still work and I am using it but if you think you can get free Instagram follower instantly, that'd be a big mistake.

When using the wrong bots, you might be able to hack Instagram followers but Instagram might hack your account instead.

I wrote a comprehensive blog post on Instagram Bots: The #1 BEST Guide – I shared everything and exactly what bots are still working for you right now towards the future.

But if you want to know exactly which third party apps check out the Instagram automation below. Take a look at these best Instagram automation tools updates…

8. Ignoring Instagram Automation Tool

This is the best strategy to get followers on Instagram.

The day I decided to commit to grow a new Instagram page, immediately thinking of creating multiple Instagram pages and started using all types of bots, tricks, etc.

I almost got 9 of my pages banned and luckily only a few of them banned and those with 24-day Instagram action blocked.

  • The 7-day Instagram action blocked is already enough to kill your Instagram page let alone 24-day.

I bet you know what I'm trying to say about these best Instagram automations tools, right?

I'm not saying stop using Instagram automation tools completely. There are still tools you can use and I mentioned all of them in this article Best Instagram Automation Tools – Do They Work?

Yes some of them do work and some of the best Instagram automation tools do not work if you use, you're risking to get banned on Instagram.

I mentioned some best Instagram automation tools for Instagram followers that don't work because there will be posts or articles that say they work, but no.

9. Gain More Instagram Followers on Autopilot

After you're thinking whether to start a blog, it's about weather you have the time to put in for your full-time job.

One of the best Instagram hacks is to always try to gain followers on autopilot, one of the best ways to boost followers on Instagram.

How do you do it?

  • Imagine you could gain followers on autopilot for 365/24/7 and become more productive to focus on a blog.

It's using an automation tool here.


This Instagram tool is the one of the best all-in-one automation tools from download Instagram video, IGTV, hashtags research, follow/unfollow, posting automation, etc. feel free to check it out.

Did you know what's worst when coming to grow our Instagram page?

10. The Wrong Way to Grow your Instagram Page

One of the biggest mistakes of this how to get more followers on Instagram hack tips complete guide.

If you're still trying to be famous on Instagram through fake it until you make it method, Instagram doesn't like it.


Just like when you see a guy with big muscle you call them using steroid.

  • That means if you use fake likes and buying fake followers just to show people you have more followers…
  • Instagram is now cleaning the mess, you should know what happen if you continue using forbidden automation tools.

Can you imagine when getting more Instagram followers?

Every time you make an Instagram post you have to buy some likes and some followers to proof your Instagram is growing.

Nope, the page is not growing.

If you have big pages with a huge following, and did this in the past, you'll notice a big engagement drops in the future.

But Instagram engagement is dropping from 0.50% to 5% anyways…

  • that's why I learn something new – you can make money easily with a blog combined with an Instagram page.

You're not being control and be afraid of getting more followers, bans, or how much money you can make, etc. But you can still make money on Instagram even if you only have 100 followers on Instagram.

11. Post Your Best Instagram Content

A big mistake when you're thinking to post anything and everything on Instagram, and it's important to know what your followers or business is already into and find some kind of hobbies relate to that, then post on Instagram.

In the beginning, you have to post everything and anything on Instagram but not post that are in all niches.

  • Read this article to find niche that works for your business Instagram Niche Ideas: 8 Profitable Niches of All Time.

Then only post your best Instagram content from after you accumulated a following, if you debated where to post that amazing video you just recorded, think of Instagram first.


As you could already be seeing on Facebook and Twitter, their post can hardly get 1,000 likes unless with a following in the million range,

whereas I'm already ready getting 1,000+ likes per post on Instagram on 10k followers.

That means you can reach out to more of your followers to stay connect, and befriends with your followers on Instagram than other social media platforms.

So post your best Instagram content.

12. Follow For Follow Method

This is the follow-for-follow method that everybody says that's not working any more.

Unless they don't know how to do it by simply following people and expect them to follow back will quickly trigger your page with an Instagram action blocked.

  • You want to use the direct messages on Instagram.
  • then, send them a message if they'd like to apply the follow for follow method.
  • if they don't reply within 24-hours.
  • move go ahead work with people that reply back to you.

That was an extra step to take before hitting that follow button to avoid any action blocked.

Remember I shared with you, not to put all your eggs into 1 basket?

13. Best Way to Hack Instagram Followers

Yep, an important tip that nobody shares on how to hack Instagram followers is to learn how to start a blog.

You might be using Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. but you simply don't know when they're going to ban you.

What's worst?

Like the Facebook platform, you can hardly put the affiliate link to make money on Instagram with affiliate marketing let alone Facebook.


  • With Instagram, you have only have 1-link in the bio.
  • You can put as many affiliate links as you want on Facebook, but Facebook status just not going to show up.

Learn something new today.

14. Knowing What to Post on Instagram

You got your niche ideas and your profile setup it's time to prepare your first 9 Instagram posts with hashtags which I'll get into next so you won't get shadowbanned or action blocked from using hashtags or zero engagement when you're new and trying to post video is asking too much from a stranger to like then follow you.

There are several types of posts that you can use to get real Instagram followers:

  • Photo: This is the best option if you're trying to get your first 1000 likes.
  • IG Stories: While posting photo, you can also leverage IG stories, once post a day without being annoyed and lose followers on Instagram.
  • Video: As soon as you hit 5k followers, posting video is the best to get real Instagram followers.
  • IG Carousel: This is similar to video, if you reach 5k followers to 10k followers, you can definitely use this feature.

Action Step : Start making your first 9 Instagram hashtags leverage hashtags for followers and hashtags for likes as well, like this…


  • Helpful Blog Post: What to Post on Instagram for Likes, Followers, Money? #1 Best Guide

15. Best Time To Post on Instagram For Likes

For how to cheat on Instagram, check out these important Insta cheats.

Common question: How Often Should You Post on Instagram To Get More Followers? In this blog post How Often Should You Post on Instagram to Gain Followers 1 or 5? – I shared exactly at which stage you should be posting at for example, if have less than 1000 followers, you'd lose followers on Instagram by posting 3 to 5 times a day.

The best method to get real Instagram followers is knowing how many times you should be posting.

When you're first starting with a new IG  and with your 9 post published, you don't need to find which are the best time to post on Instagram for likes to get real Instagram followers.


You don't have enough followers and have wait at least 7-day for the information to display to your Instagram insights.

16. Instagram Insights

In this blog post best time to post on Instagram – I shared exactly why you should listen to yourself instead of listen to myself or other Instagrammer experts.

Each IG account is different to each other, even if you read a blog post of a guy analyzed 1 million posts and share when is the best time to post, it's not going to help you get real Instagram followers.

17. Alternative to Instagram Analytics for Customer Demographic Analysis

Now, if you're new to Instagram the data of your IG page demographic will be collected within 7 days.

It's even better if you already have an existing followers base on Instagram that makes managing even faster.

With the basic on Instagram, there is a limit on understanding your followers deeper,


That is Instagram analytics, the important missing feature is they're not showing you who your top engaging with your posts when coming to manage Instagram followers.

To work with your current existing data, you know the country, age, gender and when your followers most active on Instagram.

  • The important data when come to manage Instagram followers, is knowing which category your followers is engaging most, mobile device IOS or Android. If you didn't know Instagram can be use on desktop as well support by chrome extensions – most of the time users that willing to use Instagram desktop version to interact with your brand,

These Instagram user data set is the most valuable asset, they could be your customers or competitors.


If you're looking to level up and better manage Instagram followers, I have a tool that replaces Instagram analytics, check out this app.

Once you identified your followers demographic and interests, you can grow even faster.

This is one of the best Instagram tips for more followers.

18. Hack Instagram Profile Picture

Instagram profile picture isn't important back in 2014.

But again, not now. You might be seeing @earthpix with a profile picture like and got over millions of followers,


  • You cannot copy that, but focus on building your own brand instead.

One of the best tips is to keep your Instagram profile picture clean, and it could be your brand logo as well.

19. Instagram Bio Hack

An important Instagram follower hack you need, your Instagram bio is becoming more and more important than ever.

If you want to know how to hack Instagram followers and as they have over billions of users on the app they want their users to stay on their platform,

  • when you try to ask people to do something in your bio, or used certain words that are banned by Instagram, they will lower your page engagement.

But you can be inspired on your bio or ask people to follow your Instagram.

20. Instagram Bio Ideas

These some tailored bio ideas to hack Instagram followers you can use right now.

  • Cool Instagram bio: Born to Shine Brightly.
  • Motivational Quotes: Work Smart & Work Hard.
  • Funny Instagram Bio: I believe in bee-ing myself.

Check this blog post on Instagram Bio Ideas: 199+ Best Ideas to Get More Followers where I shared everything you need know about getting more followers regarding Instagram followers hack and specifically more bio hack ideas to get attentions.

21. Write Instagram Captions That Convert

If you're using Instagram captions, it is the only place where you can interact with your followers.

It is the first thing people see from the hashtags and decide whether to follow your page.

Without the effective communication, this tip on hack Instagram followers simply do not work.

  • In this blog post, Instagram Captions & Selfie Quotes: BEST 699+ Ideas for Followers share all different types of captions that you can use and where to use exactly in your IG page.

When you get to above 10k+ Instagram followers and you don't have to spend too much time on this IG feature if you'd like too.

22. Cultivating an Instagram Community

After focusing on posting your best content on Instagram is time to cultivate a community.

With your best piece of content, you'll be able to generate a huge amount of engagement on Instagram.

The next task is to reply to their Instagram comments.

  • When coming to engaging your followers, it's important to reply on an appropriate manner on Instagram to show that you're not a robot and you're also a human behind the brand.

As you might know, Instagram is getting more strict in users taking actions, even if you're replying to your followers commenting on Instagram, that doesn't mean you're not spamming.

Therefore, don't go too fast to avoid Instagram actions blocked if you experience many times, you're risking your page for the permanent banned then, how to manage Instagram followers will be harder.


The correct way to manage followers is balance between being a robot and a human, you can simply reply to a few comments that you're personally like, and that's it.

At least when your followers look at your Instagram post, they know that you're not a robot and care to reply to as many comments as you can.

  • Speaking of Instagram engagement buying likes is not a way to a greater business ROI and this article shares exactly that Instagram likes cheat to get 1,000 likes – share this on Twitter before check it out.

23. Use New Instagram Features to Manage Instagram Followers

Instagram has different features and recently they announce they're going to allow monetization for content creator.

Each Instagram feature has different reach limit, if you can only reach 0.5% – 8% using Instagram feed,

Instagram promotes its new feature by rewarding the new feature with a higher reach to your followers base.

  • In this article Getting Less Likes on Instagram? 5 Steps to Grow… – I explained more about Instagram reach that will help with manage Instagram followers.

24. Get Personal Manage Instagram Followers Using Story

As Instagram story only last for 24 hours, it is a perfect tool improve the relationship with brand and your followers which also the best hack to get more followers on Instagram without being annoying.

This feature give you're a more creative to share more about anything and everything you want and mentioned your brand once in a while to improve you're the relevancy to your content strategy so to better manage followers.

25. Identify Types of Content Your Instagram Followers Prefer

After analyzed your Instagram followers, identify which types of content they like and share more of them, this is the easiest way to get more followers on instagram.

After growing my page to over 100k followers, I'd say photo works great on Instagram and that what drives sales the most is Instagram video.

  • If you haven't been leverage Instagram IGTV read this article on Does Instagram Pay You For Followers? Make them pay… – I mentioned Instagram will going to allow monetization on its platform.

By manage Instagram followers with IGTV, you're not limit your video to only 60s but you can create longer video similar to YouTube monetization.


I mentioned HashtagsForLikes earlier as better Instagram analytics tool, another way to manually analyses your content and which performing best by measuring these 7 key elements:

  • Instagram caption length (character counts)
  • Types of content your followers like (video or photo)
  • Mentioned your brand on your Instagram post.
  • Did you ask your followers to take action by adding a CTA?
  • What Instagram filter was used?
  • Were you used hashtags to attract the right followers?
  • Never miss out geotagging on Instagram.

This next part is important to avoid Instagram limits your reach.

This app is the exactly tool you need on how to get followers on Instagram fast and free.

26. Instagram Actions That Get you Banned

I talked about this in every blog post on tips to get followers on Instagram so to help people avoid spamming and get banned such as manipulating features on Instagram like geotagging on Instagram, tagging and mentions people, hashtags, commenting, etc.

In this article how many people can you tag on Instagram? – I share more IG tips on not just tag on Instagram but also other features and how to use Instagram features for better manage followers while maximize exposure using all the features without spamming on the platform.

27. Be Easy to Find When Manage Instagram Followers

It's a crowed space of billions active monthly user on Instagram that your brand can easily either grow or getting drown and lost in directions.


By leveraging the use of explore features, geotagging, tagging and mentioned followers and hashtags to better cultivate and better manage Instagram followers.

With any sales funnels or types of product, customers doesn't buy anything when they first see, by using those Instagram followers to once again, recollecting a community of love.

Here's a few Instagram tips to grow:

  • Don't use your Google keyword in your Instagram profile name for branding purposes (Forget about ranking an Instagram profile on Google).
  • Keep your bio short and fun to read (Read: Family Instagram Quotes: 275 BEST Family Instagram Captions).
  • Max out the characters of your Instagram bio.
  • Easy to read Instagram username: This is important, don't use any hyphens or number and don't use confusing name.

With these tips you'll be able to better manage Instagram followers (if your Instagram account has only 1000 followers or less consider change the username).

28. Create My Own Instagram Hashtags

When coming to create your own hashtag on Instagram, the easiest part to get shadow banned is trying to create your own hashtags for example, when I launched #asknugget I got an Instagram shadow banned for a whole month,

  • It works fine now – Use that hashtag on your recent post to be featured on my page.

In this one Create My Own Instagram Hashtags without Shadow Banned? – I shared the ultimate guide when to launch your own hashtags without getting shadow banned.

The benefits of owning your hashtags and better cultivating with manage Instagram followers.

Check that article after you finished with this post and Pin this Instagram post on Pinterest.

29. Monitor Your Comments to Get More Followers Instagram

Instagram commenting is another big feature for gaining exposure and manage Instagram followers.

It is also another easy feature to get Instagram action blocked without knowing how to leverage it.

I mentioned keep a balance between being a robot or a human behind a brand, the most struggling part is to get away with Instagram action blocked while maintaining a community of followers.

  • Instead of replying to all comments at once, you can reply to each one every now and then.
  • Or selectively reply to comment that shows your Instagram followers that you're a human not a robot and at least you reply to 5 – 10 comments.

You can better manage Instagram followers by leveraging HashtagsForLikes to identify your most active users and get interactive with the individual on Instagram.

30. Get Context on Your Followers

As your followers based grow, it's time to better manage Instagram followers by getting context on your followers.

Another biggest mistake businesses made is only focus on grow their followers based without knowing Instagram or Facebook would limit the reach without letting you know.

The best way everybody has been doing is to get in touch and start collecting Instagram followers contact information and add them to a database using an email marketing tool like this.


  • An easiest way to better manage Instagram followers, to start collect contact information is to give something away such as doing a free giveaway like a book, or ebook.

The method to use for get more followers Instagram followers with at least 100 followers based is shared in this article How do people make money on Instagram? – inside I shared how people with 100 followers can make money and business or brand can use that method to get in context on your followers.

You might be interested in how to get followers on Instagram fast for free, but you'd still need to collect your Instagram traffic as you never know when Instagram would lower your page reach.

Top 2 Instagram Mistakes to Avoid That Ruin your Page

Getting more Instagram followers and likes on IG is not hard.

If you know the strategy, you can get hundreds of followers per day like a champ.

Because it's not hard and people don't know what to do to get real Instagram followers, they got into the 2 biggest mistakes below…

Mistake 1. Buy Instagram Likes as Their Instagram Followers Cheat

Buy likes for cheap is the biggest mistake, even expensive is not going to help you which they implement Instagram hide likes.

You're on app to make money on IG not paying fake likes with zero ROI to proof to your friends or fake them that you got likes.

Buying likes is the worst that you should never do, but for followers, you should. – Check out all the followers you need to avoid banned.

Mistake 2. Buy Instagram Followers as Their Instagram Followers Cheat

Thinking to buy Instagram followers is the second mistake.

Buy if you want to make money faster, you can buy your first 10k followers to have access to the Instagram Story swipe up so you can place more affiliate links in your profile.

Which I'll get into later down this post about making money, not the blog post I linked for you there…

Make Money on Instagram with 100 Followers

If you're on Instagram thinking you need 10k followers to make money on Instagram.

Nope, check out the best Instagram cheats to get followers, I spit up 2 main ways to make money answering this question How Do People Make Money on Instagram? 2 Main Ways

It's important you go through the articles above.

The method that I mention on those blog posts is through the use of affiliate marketing and communicate through Instagram DMs.

I use the exact method on Facebook but they since they only limit 5000 Facebook friends, instead of removing friends, I pick Instagram to get as many as follower as I could.

What I basically mentioned was:

  • Setup your Instagram page.
  • Make Instagram posts.
  • And start messaging other people.

here's the most important part, don't wait until you have 10k followers, 100k followers or 1 million followers then to make money. But you want to make money now.

If you have to wait until 10k followers or 1 million, when are you going to get there? So, always leverage short-term money while you get real Instagram followers.

1. Short-term: Make Money with 100 Followers.

I'm talking using Instagram affiliate marketing, I use the method I learned in my recommended Instagram course when I realized Facebook only limit you with 5000 Facebook friends.

  • The course is about Facebook, but you can apply the method to IG while accumulate and get real Instagram followers.

This is the short-term.

2. Long-term: Make money with 10k, 100k, 1Million followers.

Now is the long-term.

  • As soon as you reach your first 10k followers without having to buy Instagram followers, you'll notice brands and small businesses will start reaching out to you for sponsor posts that's how you get paid for Instagram post and brand sponsorships that's where the big money come in.

but trying to get real Instagram followers that way, it's 10x harder than you could imagine, because you don't have time to wait, but stick with the short-term while going long-term as well.

Join the free updates.

Join an Affiliate Program

This is key – Learn Affiliate Marketing.

Most people going on Instagram with mindset of just getting followers.

They don't really think about what if Instagram lowers your IG page reach to 0.1% to none even if you have 100k Instagram followers.

That is the disadvantage of using Social Media or make money on Instagram.

Imagine before even joining Instagram and have an affiliate program to make money while growing your IG followers.

  • That's killing two birds with one stone. Additionally, your affiliate program is something that you don't have find your own products or create your own online course to sell to your followers.

Introducing LM,

This particular affiliate program is setup to help you not just growing followers and just join an affiliate program.

But this setup yourself so when you promote 1-product and you get paid from multiple companies upwards to 125+ companies.

They're currently giving away a traffic blueprint that you can get started with.

How I Reached My First 10k Followers on Instagram

The number #1 tactic I've been using along with Powerlikes to get to my first 10k followers in 7-day is using a blog and it was the best tricks to get more followers on Instagram.

When I was using Powerlikes, I simple cannot do anything but posting.

That gives me so much time to scale my brand to the next level using a blog.

Learn how to start a blog to get real Instagram followers without action blocked and shadowbanned.

How to Get Instagram Followers Fast – Conclusions.

I hope you like these small Instagram cheat guide on how to increase more Instagram followers.

These are several techniques I used to grow my Instagram page to 70k followers within a few months.

If you're looking forwards to be learning more about Instagram tips, get the latest free updates on my Instagram guide.

  • I hope you like these Instagram followers hack and tips in this blog post, if you want more tips on how to get more followers, check out or be sure to subscribe. More importantly, if you ever want to make money on Instagram with 1000 followers check out my #1 recommended Instagram University.

I'm currently dedicate 100% of my time to share my Instagram tips with you and looking forwards to be sharing more Instagram tips that helps grow your Instagram followers.

Here's the horror story as I'm sharing tips on social media, if you notice nobody on social media such as Facebook or Instagram, you have no controlled.

That means businesses or brands can be blocked, banned, limit the potential reach to our customer based even we spend time on management like manage Instagram followers.

  • The best method I recommend business or brand to also have a blog and funnel blog traffic into social media like Instagram to cultivate a larger number of following base. Check this article How to Start a blog? – for the step-by-step, easy-to-follow plan to setup your blog traffic that grows your Instagram followers base.

With that said, that's all for this guide on how to get more followers Instagram.

FAQs – How to Get more Followers on Instagram App

What to Do to Get More Followers on Instagram?

All you need is simply getting started to implement these complete strategies I share and getting your first 5,000 Instagram followers wouldn't be a problem.

How to Have Many Followers on Instagram?

To have many followers on Instagram is to simply focus on your first step on getting your first 1000 followers and also make money which most people, only focus on getting followers but not money itself.

How to Hack Instagram to Get 1000 Followers?

The above hacks will allow you to get your first 1000 Instagram followers fast within a week and it is completely depends on your personal effort and how fast you would to go. Please do not complaint when you only spend 5 minutes trying to followers and also always keep an eye the latest new IG update.

How to Hack Instagram Profile?

Avoid hack Instagram profile as people putting hard and soul into building their own online business and generating an income online for themselves and family and their love ones. Trying to hack Instagram profile is not advised.

How to Manage Instagram Followers?

As your Instagram grow larger you need a plan to manage them. The more followers you're getting the harder it is for you to stay connected as a community and cultivating cold prospect into hot leads will be a big problem. It doesn't matter how many followers you have without a proper way of managing them, making sales will be a problem as even Instagram page nowadays with 100 followers can generate sale with proper cultivation.

How Do I Get More Followers on Instagram for free?

You can get many followers on Instagram by following these free ways in this blog post which I shared specifically how you can implement them into your page.

How To Get More Followers on Instagram Without Posting?

Unfortunately, this is not possible, or if you really want to you can create another account and use that new account to promote your old account which allow you to use these best way to get more followers on Instagram without posting.

How to get many followers on Instagram fast for free?

Getting many followers on Instagram is absolutely free, and you can simply implement all the step-by-step above to grow your page fast.