Say It Again in a Jamaican Accent

Are yous visiting Jamaica soon or have Jamaican friends? Practise you know how to Speak Jamaican Patois? These 80 Jamaican patois sentences encompass most of what you lot will need to become past on your visit to Jamaica or in conversations with your Jamaican friends.

"A fe mi cyar."
Translation: "It's my car."

"Mi ah guh lef tiday."
Translation: "I am leaving today."

"Im too haad eaize."
Translation: "He/She is likewise stubborn."

"Axe har de question."
Translation: "Enquire her the question."

"Im badda dan dem." "Nuh bodda mi."
Translation: "He is worse than they are." "Don't bother me."

"Bare dog dung inna dat yard."
Translation: "There are only dogs in that yard."

"No bodda bawl im soon cum bak."
Translation: "Don't carp crying he'll presently be back."

"Sell mi wan bokkle a iyl."
Translation: "Sell me a bottle of oil."

"Dat a mi bredda."
Translation: "That is my brother."

"Ah who bruk de bokkle a iyl?"
Translation: "Who bankrupt the bottle of oil?"

"Coodeh, yuh see de big bud eena de tree?"
Translation: "Look at the big bird in the tree."

"Bwaay! Mi did tink de examination wudda eazy."
Translation: "Boy! I though that exam would have been easy.

"The parson sey de spousal relationship cerfitikit before long cum inna de postal service."
Translation: "The pastor said that the marriage certificate will exist coming shortly in the mail."

"Mi love chaklit cake with nuff icenin."
Translation: "I dearest chocolate cake with plenty of icing."

"Mi a become bak a wuk pan Chewsday."
Translation: "I am going back to work on Tuesday."

"Di chuck want tree new tyres."
Translation: "The truck will need three new tires."

"Cuyah, she gwan lak she dainty eee?"
Translation: "Look at that, she acts like she is so nice."

"Chobble nuh overnice." "Yuh inna large chobble."
Translation: "Trouble is not nice." "You lot are in big trouble."

"Mi cyan 'elp yuh wit dat trouble."
Translation : "I cannot help you with that trouble."

"Mi like yuh cris cyar."
Translation :"I like your new car."

"Yuh did run across dat?" "A who dat?"
Translation: "Did you come across that?" "Who is that?"

"Dat dawta pretty lakka money." "A fi mi dawta."
Translation: "That daughter is pretty like money." "Is my daughter."

"Mista Brown dawg bite mi."
Translation: "Mr. Brown's dog bit me."

"De bwoy dem teif di bleach outta de wata."
Translation: "The boys stole the bleach out of the water."

"Dem a wan no good bunch."
Translation: "They are a no good bunch."

"Mi did de deh pan Chewsday."
Translation: "I was in that location on Tuesday."

"Dis cyar ah fi mi own."
Translation: "This motorcar is mine."

"Yuh nuh dun yet?"
Translation: "You have not finished yet?"

"A di dutty duppy man dweet."
Translation: "The muddy ghost did it."

"Ef yuh chobble 'im, me a guh bax yuh".
Translation"If y'all trouble him, I am going to hit you."

"Ello, mi tin can help yuh wid sumting?"
Translation: "Hello, tin can I help you with something?"

"Di whola dem a mi fambly."
Translation: "All of them are my family."

"Yuh tuh fass and facety."
Translation: "You are also inquisitive and fresh."

"Yuh 'ave any flim lef inna de camera?"
Translation: "Practice y'all accept any film left in the camera?"

"She ah mi bess bess fren."
Translation: "She is my all-time friend."

"Galang bout yuh concern."
Translation: "Keep about your business."

"Gimme wan tall drinking glass a wata please."
Translation: "Give me a tall drinking glass of water please."

"Mass Garden ah plant flowas inna de gordon."
Translation: "Mr. Gordon is planting flowers in the garden."

"Ah who hab mi sentinel?"
Translation: "Who has my watch?"

"Mi bak a chapeau mi."
Translation: "My dorsum is hurting me."

"Is which wan a oonu nyam mi hegg?"
Translation: "Which one of you ate my egg?"

"Im sey yuh fi bring di ting."
Translation: "He or She said y'all were to bring the thing."

"A wan irie likkle identify."
Translation: "Information technology's a very squeamish place."

"Mi need sum iyl fi fry de fish."
Translation: "I need some oil to fry the fish."

"Mi len out de money an noh mi inna wan jam."
Translation: "I lent out some coin and at present I am in some trouble."

"Jesum Peeze, a cyan bileeve dat mi lose de game."
Translation: "Oh my Gosh or Wow a can't believe I lost that game."

"Ah yuh cawz de blow."
Translation: "Yous are the one that caused the accident."

"Yuh can cyarri dis cow pan yuh chuck?"
Translation: "Tin can you conduct this moo-cow on your truck?"

"An a jus lass nite mi di deh."
Translation: "And information technology was just last nighttime I was there."

"A lang fourth dimension mi dey inna dis yah lang line."
Translation: "Its been a long time since I accept been in this long line."

"Lawd 'ave mercy pan Miss Percy."
Translation: "Lord take mercy on Miss Percy."

"Lef mi nuh."
Translation: "Leave me alone."

"De bwoy a de biggest liad."
Translation: "The boy is a big liar."

"Im get wan big lick fram de teacha."
Translation: "He got a big hit from the instructor."

"Beg a likkle bokkle ah milk."
Translation: "I request for a little bottle of milk."

"Mi madda sey yuh fi lef mi."
Translation: "My mother said that yous are to go out me solitary."

"Ole withal, mi si wan big maskitta pan yuh foot."
Translation: "Hold yet, I see a big mosquito on your foot."

"Im mek up im mind areddy."
Translation: "He made upward his mind already."

"Tek de neegle an sew de peeca clawt."
Translation: "Accept the needle and stitch the piece of cloth."

"De nex time mi volition buy."
Translation: "The next time I will purchase."

"How yuh nyam summuch?"
Translation: "How exercise you eat so much?"

"Put de bag unda de seat."
Translation: "Put de bag under the seat."

"Mi ah de ongle one dat did stay till it dun."
Translation: "I was the merely i that stayed till information technology was finished."

"Is dat ooman deh did tek mi money."
Translation: "That is the adult female that took my money."

"Ooo goes dere?"
Translation: "Who goes in that location?"

"Yuh ave any callaloo?"
Translation: "Do y'all have any callaloo?"

"Is Mista Garden pickney dem."
Translation: "It is Mr. Gordon's children."

"Mi wud radda yuh nuh chat to mi."
Translation: "I would rather you lot not talk to me."

"See yuh pan Satday."
Translation: "See you lot on Saturday."

"Put de sinting inna de purse."
Translation: "Put the something in the bag."

"Smaddy tell mi sey yuh did a conversation tour mi."
Translation: "Somebody told me you were talking nearly me."

"Sell mi tree poun ah swimps."
Translation: "Sell me 3 pounds of shrimps."

"Tan deh tink sey im a guh 'elp yu."
Translation: "Stand there thinking he is going to help yous."

"Tanks fe de glass a ice wata."
Translation: "Thanks for the glass of ice h2o."

"Tek yuh fourth dimension an mine it bruk."
Translation: "Take your time, you might pause it."

"Mista Dark-brown mi see tree bwoy inna yu mango tree."
Translation:" Mr. Brown I saw three boys up in your mango tree."

"Oonu can cum wid mi."
Translation: "Yous all tin come with me."

"Wattagwan wid John?"
Translation:" What's going on with John?"

"De wata dutty so nuh play inna it."
Translation: "The water is dirty so don't play in it."

"Im jook mi inna mi yeye."
Translation: "He poked me in the middle."

80 Common Jamaican Patois Sentences That Will Help You Learn The Language 80 Common Jamaican Patois Sentences That Will Help You Learn The Language

Sources: Compiled by Ten. Irish potato & Simrete McLean from personal experience as Jamaicans. Special acknowledgments to Miss Chiliad. Daley and Miss A. Gentiles. Books – "How to Speak Jamaican". Diverse documents from the Constitute of Jamaica and the Jamaican National Library. Photo by Deposit Photos


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