The first time I sawThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ringwas on DVD in the condolement of my own home. WhenThe Ii Towers premiered, I was sufficiently certain that information technology would be worthy of a trip to the movie theater. As I settled myself in a theater seat, surrounded by what I thought were other avidLord of the Ringsfans, I was sure I had made the correct decision. How wrong I was. As it turns out, the movie theater was packed with people who were mainly there to drool over Legolas. I swear, every fourth dimension he so much as breathed onscreen, shrieks of excitement reverberated throughout the crowded theater. And don't even become me started on when he would perform some amazing acrobatic feat. I think I suffered permanent hearing damage that solar day.

While annoyed past this kind of reaction, I tin sympathize with where it's coming from. Legolas is definitely an amazing character. Every bit an Elf, he automatically appears to be wiser than he looks, and he can do things that Men just tin't. Plus, peculiarly in the movies, Legolas fights Orcs and Uruk-Hai with all the expertise that a main of the bow can wield. It is a sight to behold. (Still, I don't think Legolas deserves all those ear-piercing squeals he received. Where's the love for Gimli, huh?)

Legolas is able to have these keen, scream-inducing abilities because of his body. Elves are on some sort of higher plane of existence than the states normal folks. Read on if you want to know exactly all the ways in which Legolas' torso makes him special.

25 Sleep Is For The Weak

via: (kathrynann1112)

During Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli'south chase of the pack of Uruk-Hai, they hardly stopped to rest. In the movie,The Two Towers,we simply see scenes of them running over hills, plains, and valleys. In the book, Aragorn and Gimli only pause their pursuit to accept short naps.

Legolas is the one member of the trio who did not have to sleep.

He would remain awake as the others rested their weary legs and minds. One of the powers of being an Elf is an ability to resist the nighttime slumbers.

24 Prodigy Children

via: (Mario Lawall)

Legolas is non that special among Elves. It's more than like being an Elf makes him special amidst the other members of the Fellowship. Did yous know that past their beginning year of life, an Elf can sing, dance, walk, and speak?

I have no clue what that sight would look like, only I exercise know that information technology would terrify me to see a one-year-sometime human child doing that. I pray that a one-year-quondam Elven child looks a little more than adult-ish than the walking talking baby that I currently accept in my caput.

23 Why Do His Eyes Change Color?


Observant fans ofThe Lord of the Ringsmay have noticed that Legolas' eyes had a strange addiction of going from a light blueish to a nighttime dark-brown and then back over again. Just in case y'all were wondering, this is not some mystical magical power of the Elves.

Orlando Bloom and the residue of the crew on the films occasionally forgot to take Flower put in his colored contact lenses. Just hey, look on the bright side. Those squealers at the movie theatre who went ga-ga over Legolas got to experience a bluish-eyed gazeanda brown-eyed gaze.

22 The Power Of Gorgeous Pilus


Virtually might not concur with me that Legolas having immaculate hair fifty-fifty in the most harrowing, action-packed situations is an interesting fact about his body. But information technology is. Information technology is zilch short of miraculous.

Rain could be pouring down, every bit it was during the Battle of Captain'south Deep, and Legolas' hair could exist as pristine as a Barbie doll's. I honestly don't know if this is something specific to Legolas or all the Elves of Middle-Earth. I'1000 inclined to believe that all Elves take such perfect hair. It seems like the kind of thing Elves take.

21 Merely Better With Historic period


Legolas' historic period is never direct stated in either the books or the films. Almost fans accept guesstimated that Legolas could be as immature every bit 700-years old or every bit old as 2,000-years old.

And so fifty-fifty though he looks similar a man in his early- to mid-twenties, he'southward got more years on him than your grandparents do. He is pretty spry for an old guy. Then again, Elves are immortal, so Legolas being 2,000-years former is the same thing every bit calling him a immature whipper-snapper.

20 These Boots Were Made For Walking


Elves are light of feet. Legolas is no exception. They are as well light on footwear. Do you remember those boots that Legolas wear in the films? Those are actually supposed to be low-cal slippers.

Most Elves eschew such heavy footwear as boots in favor of something plumage-light like them. These light shoes help Legolas step nimbly. It makes you wonder what an Elf's feet look like though. If light slippers are their but class of pes protection, Elves might have to deal with a lot of callouses.

xix Skilled With Both Arms

via: (Heather Leann)

A footling-known Tolkien fact is that Elves are ambidextrous. They can use both of their hands to do things like slice upwards some Orcs. In that location is some contention withinThe Lord of the Ringscommunity as to whether this is every bit straightforward equally it seems, since there do exist Elves who adopt one hand to another.

Just Tolkien did brand a point of mentioning this feature in his writings, which means that Legolas' dual blades are seriously meant to function ambidextrously.

xviii Defying Gravity


The Hobbitfilm trilogy (which should non accept been a trilogy at all) was a disappointment, especially when y'all compared it toThe Lord of the Ringsfilm trilogy. One particular depression point during The Hobbitwas when Legolas displayed his amazing power to defy gravity by climbing upwardly a falling stone bridge.

That was not how gravity, stones, or bridges were supposed to work. But by all that is holy, that was how Legolas worked. He gave gravity the bird and and so hopped his way upward the stones.

17 What Do Your Elf Optics See?

via: (AutomagicalMan)

Out of the iii companions who went to rescue Merry and Pippin from the Uruk-Hai, Legolas was the most skilled in the art of pursuit. Non but was he the fastest and the one who needed the least corporeality of sleep (i.due east. none), he also had the best vision.

All Elves, including Legolas, take keen eyesight.

Legolas' gaze could pierce through miles of altitude in club to observe their prey. His incredible vision also indirectly gave united states of america one of the all-time movie quotes of all time: "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!"

16 A Regular Prince


Within Legolas' veins runs some royal blood. We had no true notion of this while watchingThe Lord of the Rings, butThe Hobbitfilms really cram downward our throats that Legolas is the heir to the Wood-Elves' kingdom in Mirkwood.

Thranduil is the male monarch of the Elves during this fourth dimension, and Thranduil is Legolas' father. Putting two and two together means that eventually, Legolas volition rule the Forest-Elves of Mirkwood. Well, just if he wants to, I suppose. He kind of went traipsing across Middle-Globe duringThe Lord of the Rings,which makes me think he has no interest in ruling a small principality.

15 An Olympic Sprinter


Legolas is a skilled athlete. (Is information technology just me, or are all Elves incredibly athletic and gorgeous?) The beginning ofThe 2 Towersproves to u.s. how strong and fast Legolas really is. Legolas, Gimli, and Aragron have been on the trail of a pack of Uruks for days. They have not really stopped for annihilation.

In general, all Elves tin can run at high speeds.

They as well corking levels of stamina. Watching Legolas and his friends run along made for some pretty great shots of them sprinting across mountain ranges.

14 When Elves Come Of Age


Elves may look similar to Men, merely they age at different times. Elves hit coming of historic period around historic period 50. Information technology is at this point where they stop growing in pinnacle, width, and length.

I tin only imagine what it would be similar for parents to have to go along raising their kids for 50 whole years. However, given that Elves are immortal, 50 years must seem like a very brusque time for them. No wonder Legolas looks so good for potentially being a ii,000-yr one-time. Elves get all the luck.

13 Reverse Crumbling


Filming forThe Lord of the Ringsfilms occurred before filming forThe Hobbitfilms. For those of you who don't know, the events ofThe Hobbithappen before the events ofThe Lord of the Rings.And so it would be somewhat off-white to say these movies were made out of order.

And since someone on high decided that Legolas needed to be included in The Hobbit even though his character doesn't appear in that location in the books, Legolas ends upwards looking like he got younger over time. If his appearance were to be taken into canon, 1 could say he aged incredibly well.

12 Armor? What Armor?

via: (EgalmothOfGondolin01)

In the books, Legolas is described every bit one of the most lightly-clad members of the Fellowship. Where members like Gimli and Boromir came equipped with armor, Legolas has very evidently clothes that do not serve a protective function.

Yet, as tin can be seen past how well he fights, Legolas doesn't really need armor if his enemies tin can't state a hit on him. Several fights occur during the books and movies where, even though he is in the thick of things, Legolas doesn't accept a scratch.

11 The Pilus Colour Mystery


Information technology may surprise yous to learn that Legolas' real hair color is actually in dubiety. In Tolkien'south novels, the colour of Legolas' hair is never outright stated.

For all nosotros know, Legolas' hair could exist a dark brown.

We are all so used to seeing it equally a light blonde, it would come as a total shock to our systems if we saw it otherwise. Besides, Thranduil, Legolas' father, is described every bit having fair pilus, so it makes sense for people to believe that Legolas would take the same shade as his begetter.

x Not Your Average Tiny Elf


Earlier readingThe Lord of the Rings,I always idea of elves as tiny creatures. You know, I thought they were like the kind of caricatures you always see fatigued as Santa Claus' little helpers.

Just then along came J.R.R. Tolkien'southward fantasy epic, and now his Elves are the fantasy standard. Elves are actually very tall being. Tolkien'due south Elves are described as being, on average, six feet tall. If Legolas is an boilerplate Elf, that ways he is around that elevation too.

9 Legolas' Life Afterward Life

via: (Samantha Ogletree)

Elves are immortal, only they tin perish from grave injuries or terrible grief. If an Elf lives long enough, their concrete bodies practice fade abroad, but this does not mean they have met their terminate.

Instead, this spirit-grade of an Elf becomes an invisible Lingerer that can go where it chooses and observe the happenings of the world without taking role in them. If Legolas were to have lived long enough to lose his body, he would have become a Lingerer also.

viii Lighter Than Snow


The Fellowship tried to travel to Mordor by taking the pass of Caradhras. This big mountain proved to be likewise much for them. The inclement, snowy weather made crossing it extremely difficult. The only one who did not appear unduly antagonized by the severe snow was Legolas.

Legolas was light enough to walk on top of the deep snow equally if he weighed no more a feather. It was hilarious to meet everyone else struggling to force their style through the snowfall while Legolas walked on top of it, totally chill.

7 Hearing Voices

via: (Nish)

Legolas has a better sense of hearing than the rest of his companions.

He tin can hear noises that barely register for the others.

When Saruman was casting a storm spell on the mountain of Carardhras, Legolas was the only i who could hear it bated from the magician Gandalf. After the Fellowship left the Elven city of Lothlorien, Legolas was the only one who could hear the tramping of the pack of Uruk-Hai that was following them. Elves have heightened senses in general, I suppose.

half-dozen 1 Of His People


Hardcore fans ofThe Lord of the Ringsknow that in that location are dissimilar kinds of Elves. Legolas' ancestors were originally Sindar, Grayness-Elves, merely every bit they were fleeing the issues of the Due west, they decided to settle with the Silvan, the Wood-Elves.

In fact, Legolas and his family conspicuously consider themselves more Wood-Elves than Grey-Elves based on their appearance and their community. They adopted the practices of the people they chose to settle with.

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